Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Performance
design for Powerboats

Performance Boat design and setup secrets for Recreational tunnels, Offshore Cats, Racing tunnels, Fishing/Utility hulls, Vee and Vee-Pad Hulls, Bass Boats
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In the forefront of Tunnel boat and catamaran design, Vee hull & vee-pad hull design and performance hull design technology for over 40 years, AR® has high performance clients in over 50 countries and in every US state.  Tunnel boat and performance vee hull design publications and the world's only computer design program for tunnel boats, offshore cats, modified tunnel, modified vee-bottom (Mod-VP) designs, vee hulls and pad-Vee hulls.

Jimboat's world-acclaimed papers on tunnel hull and vee hull design, performance and setup tips are popular in dozens of powerboat publications and addressed in the AR® books, software, articles and newsletters. 


Jim Russel on Powerboat TV

See author Jim Russell on SpeedChannel's 'Powerboat Television Show'
Jim Russell on Powerboat TV
Interviewed by PBTV's host and F1 Champion, Mark Rotharmel.

Jim_Racing.jpg (23109 bytes)
More about author
Jim Russell
[reprinted from
design awards]

For 40+ years, Jimboat has written performance powerboat articles in most all of the major powerboat magazines... including: Powerboat & RIB, Speedboat, Powerboat, Hot Boat, Family & Performance Boating, RIB magazine, RaceBoat International, World of Powerboats, Extreme Boats, Powerboat & Ski, Australian Powerboat, RC Boat Modeler, Scream & Fly,, Propeller magazine and other  boating magazines.

AeroMarine Research® are experts in powerboat design, performance analysis and performance prediction and optimization.  Recreational, commercial and racing tunnel boat, vee hull and vee-pad boat design expertise.  The "Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design-SE" book and "Tunnel Boat Design Program" and "Vee Boat Design Program" computer software, the "History of Tunnel Boat Design" book, the "PropWorks2" propeller selection/speed prediction software, and the "Secrets of Propeller Design" book are available at AR's on-line store or order by .

Jimboat is recognized for his advanced aerodynamic, hydrodynamic and marine engineering research and consulting on powerboat design, performance analysis, optimization, safety analysis, accident investigation, expert witness service, education/training.
   Jimboat is powerboat design technical consultant on the
National Geographic special
"Thrill Zone - Extreme Powerboats" [2005]
Jimboat is Editorial Consultant for
Discovery Channel's
"What Happened Next - Boat Dynamics" [2014]

Meet the author: Jim Russell         [more about author]   [ ]
- professional engineer (mechanical/aerodynamics)
- Tunnel boat and vee hull designer/builder
- Canadian & North American champion tunnel hull racer
- Founder & president of AeroMarine Research®
- Author of powerboating design books
- Leading research, aerodynamic wind tunnel testing; hydrodynamic water channel testing, marine engineering.
- Private pilot
- Author of feature technical articles for Powerboat and RIB, Powerboat, Hot Boat, RaceBoat International, Extreme Boats, Canadian Boating, World of Powerboat, Bass&Walleye, Family & Performance Boating magazines, Canadian Yachting, Performance Boat, Race Boat International, Extreme Boats, Powerboat & Ski, Australian Powerboat, RC Boat Modeler, Scream&Fly magazine,,, SEA Yachting and other high-performance boating magazines.
- Author of on-line articles for,,,, and other on-line powerboat sites and blogs.
-As a race driver, he piloted tunnel boats to Canadian and North American championships

- Appeared as expert on SpeedChannel's Powerboat Television, interviewed on 'Tunnel Hulls'
- Expert Technical consultant on National Geographic's
'Thrill Zone' TV show
- Editorial consultant for Discovery Channel's "What Happens Next - Boat Dynamics"

- Consulting on safety analysis, accident investigation, expert witness, and education/training.
jim2.jpg (37035 bytes)  

Jim Russell is a professional engineer with a mechanical and aeronautics background.  Currently living in Canada, he has done extensive aerodynamic research at Universities of Michigan, OH and Toronto, Canada and marine engineering research at the NRC water channel laboratory in Ottawa, Canada.  His published papers are highly acclaimed, and are specifically related to the aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of high performance catamarans and tunnel boats, and has appeared on SpeedChannel's Powerboat Television, as a guest expert on 'Tunnel Hulls'.  Russell has designed and built many tunnel boats.  As a professional race driver, he piloted tunnel boats to Canadian and North American championships.  He has written powerboating articles for many worldwide magazines and covered UIM and APBA powerboat races.  Russell is the author of the "Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design" book, "History of Tunnel Boat Design" book, and the "Secrets of Propeller Design" book.  His company has designed and published the well-known powerboat design software, "Tunnel Boat Design Program©" and "Vee Boat Design Program©", specifically for the design and performance analysis of tunnel boats and powered catamarans, Vee hulls and vee-pad hulls.


jim2.jpg (37035 bytes)
about Jim Russell

13th edition
"Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design" book
secrets_of_tunnel_boat_desi.gif (53x73 -- 21190 bytes)
 "Secrets of Propeller Design" book!

"TBDP Version 8" Software                     "VBDP Version 8" Software                      "PropWorks2" software

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Special pricing updated March 27, 2025
Contact us at:
AeroMarine Research®
67 Highland Crescent, Cambridge, ON, Canada, N1S1M1
Tel: 519-240-7959

©Copyright by AeroMarine Research and Jim Russell, 1999, all rights reserved.
Material from this website may be not copied or used or redistributed, in whole or in part, without specific written consent of Jim Russell or AeroMarine Research®.