Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic
Powerboat Performance

Performance Boat design and setup secrets for Recreational tunnels, Offshore Cats, Racing tunnels, Fishing/Utility hulls, Vee and Vee-Pad Hulls, Bass Boats
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Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design© - Second Edition

"Here is how to make your tunnel hull the best performing, fastest, stable design."

Check out reviews of the STBD book - Scream & Fly on-line magazine      Download the NEW STBD SE Table of Contents
Recommended by Wave to Wave Performance Boat magazine  -  Suggested by Powerboat magazine  
Foreword by Mark Rotharmel  Russell on Powerboat Television
*** by Jim Russell, feature writer of powerboat articles in:  

Scream and Fly
Hot Boat
Boat Design Net
RaceBoat International
World of Powerboats
Extreme Boats magazine


Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition (book) "Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition" 
[ISBN# 978-0-9780586-1-6] [pub: 2024]

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This is the NEW 'Second Edition', complete re-write of the well-known STBD book, by Jim Russell. [see Original STBD book - ISBN# 1-894933-30-3]

Most advanced publication on tunnel hull design, how a tunnel hull works, detailed explanation of design and setup for tunnel boats, catamarans, and modified vee hulls of all sizes, including sample calculations. 

Includes history of tunnel boat design, design features and explanation of how a tunnel hull works, 10 design steps to a comprehensive performance analysis - with calculation examples. 

Original STBD was uniquely filled with design principles and 'The How's and Whys of Tunnel Hull and Catamaran Performance'.  This new SE edition has expanded every element with more information, more pictures, more features, more examples, more 'secrets'.  

Learn how to design or modify and setup your own tunnel boat, power cat, or modified vee hull for all Recreation, Performance hulls, commercial catamarans, sport tunnels, offshore cats, OPC racers, fishing/utility boats, whitewater jets, UIM & APBA racing hulls, even RC performance models (not just for racing applications!)  

By well-known powerboat designer, builder, author and race-driver, Jim Russell.

This new SE edition has lots of new information, with over 250 pages, and over 275 pictures!

AR® maintains the most advanced performance powerboat research programs in the industry.  Get the most from your tunnel hull or vee-hull setup.

5 star rating

"... a must-read resource for boat builders... (Russell) combines practical experience with his extensive engineering, analytical and literary skills. Russell arms the reader with proven calculations... that remove much of the guesswork... He knows of what he writes... a person to be admired for his intelligence and devotion to high performance boating.” Mark Rotharmel, F1 Champion

"Once I started reading it, I was hooked"..."This fantastic of the most comprehensive covering tunnel boat design".. "STBD (book) is what I believe to be the bible of the tunnel boat." [Greg Terzian, Scream & Fly magazine

"I just received and read your book (Secrets of) "Tunnel Boat Design" ... Tremendous, terrific, great, and have combined a tremendous amount of research with an excellent writing approach so that it is easy for the reader to understand just what you are saying ...congratulations on a tremendous piece of work!" [Morley Smith, Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers]

"Jim, I really want to tell you how much I enjoyed re-reading your book 'Secrets of Tunnel boat Design'! " [Bob Switzer, original Switzer Wing designer, Switzer Craft Boats, IL, USA]

"Essential Reading for Performance Boaters..."Jim touches on almost every imaginable hull design and application"..."There is high quality information here." [Jared Powell, Wave-to-Wave Performance Boat magazine]

Section 1 introduces an extensive "History of Tunnel Boat Design"; Section 2 presents an organized explanation "Design of Tunnel Boats"; Section 3 outlines 'step-by-step calculations for performance results' and real-life examples for three familiar types of tunnel boats.

This SE edition also includes 'History of Modified Tunnel Hull (Mod VP) design', 'Centerpod design', 'Step Design', 'Dynamic Stability', 'Design of Propellers', 'Speed prediction'.  The book includes the 'Ten Steps To Performance Powerboat Design'. All outlining how they have impacted performance powerboat and tunnel boat designs.  This book even includes examples of performance calculations that you can do yourself for any hull design.

The developments of the tunnel and V bottoms are interestingly chronicled, with detailed explanations of hull design, function, potential and characteristics. This unique book also details ten design steps for analysis of hull performance and stability showing how the calculations are accurately performed, as well as providing detailed information about their relation to hull performance. The ten steps range from layout design and dimensions, calculating aerodynamic and hydrodynamic lift and drag, power calculations, and dynamic stability, acceleration, etc.

Learn how to design, modify and setup your own tunnel boat. The book includes the 'Ten Design Steps' for analysis of performance and dynamic stability showing how calculations are accurately performed, as well as explaining their relation to hull performance. This section even includes examples of performance calculations that you can do yourself for any hull design. We've added new segments on analysis including step design and expanded discussion of dynamic stability.

In the new "Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition", we've extended the design calculations to include examples of different types of tunnel hull/power catamaran boats.  We've included step-by-step calculations for familiar styles of tunnel hulls, including a recreational tunnel boat, a utility/fishing catamaran hull and a racing tunnel hull.  

STBD - SE book includes:

 - History of Tunnel Boat Design
 - Heros of Tunnel hull design and racing
 - Design of Tunnel Boats
 - Step Design
 - Center-pod design
 - Dynamic Stability
 - Lower Unit/Drive & Cockpit drag
 - Calculation examples for 3 types of tunnel boats
 - Design of Propellers
 - History of the Modified Vee hull
 - RIB's, WIG's and Military Cats
 - Speed prediction
      ....and more.

'Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition"

"The Secrets Of Tunnel Boat Design is what I believe to be the bible of the tunnel boat" [Greg Terzian, Scream&Fly magazine]

Check out new Scream&Fly magazine review.

Lot's of new information - over 250 pages & over 275 photos.  

Download the STBD SE
TOC (Table of Contents)

Check out the book review by Scream & Fly Magazine OR dload your own copy of the review)

Detailed design practices and formulae.

Shows how to calculate hydrodynamic drag of ANY lower unit design or ANY drive design.

Calculation examples for different types of tunnel hulls.

Includes formulae and design algorithms for calculating real powerboat performance and stability characteristics.

Shows step-by-step how to analyze all types of hulls, including appendages, cockpits, and even different styles of lower unit/outdrives.

"Jim, I introduced my students to your Tunnel Hull (Design) book and the process used to design tunnel hulls...(using) your tunnel-hull material for my entry level course to... aerodynamic and hydrodynamic lift and drag. (The program was presented at American Society of Engineering Educators conference in June 2017). Thanks for your support."[Professor Eric Leonhardt, Western Washington University]

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Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition (book)

Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition (book)

Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition (book)

Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition (book)

Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition (book)

Tunnel boat & Vee hull
Design software

USD$69 Order

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Foreword in STBD book by Mark Rotharmel...markbio-s.jpg
 - world renowned F1 Champion
 - Canadian Boating Federation Hall of Famer
 - host of Powerboat Television Show
 - founding chairman of the Performance Boat Club of Canada
 - columnist/feature contributor for Boats&Places Magazine

Read the "Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design" book's foreword, written by F1 champion and host of Powerboat Television, Mark Rotharmel

Jim Russell on Powerboat TV

See author Jim Russell on SpeedChannel's 'Powerboat Television Show'

powerboat_stbd12e_dec02_thm.gif (75x126 -- 8970 bytes)Recommended by Powerboat, Hot Boat, Powerboat & Rib, Wave-to-Wave, Family&Performance, Bass&Walleye, Scream&Fly, Race Boat International, World of Powerboats, Powerboat & Ski, Australian Powerboat, Extreme Powerboats and other hi-performance boating magazines. Tunnel Boat Design software by AeroMarine Research
Check out the "Tunnel Boat Design Program" New Version 8
PropWorks_scrn_sm.jpg (110x79 -- 16418 bytes)
Check out the "PropWorks2" software for speed prediction and propeller selection.

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about Jim Russell

"Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition"
 "Secrets of Propeller Design" book

"TBDP Version 8" Software "VBDP Version 8" Software "PropWorks2" software

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Special pricing updated March 29, 2025
Contact us at:
AeroMarine Research®
67 Highland Crescent, Cambridge, ON, Canada, N1S1M1
Tel: 519-240-7959

©Copyright by AeroMarine Research and Jim Russell, 1999, all rights reserved.
Material from this website may be not copied or used or redistributed, in whole or in part, without specific written consent of Jim Russell or AeroMarine Research®.