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Mar 30, 2025
Ver 8.12.0 |
TBDP/VBDP Version 8.12
NEW feature to accomodate
design/analysis of
BOAT designs, catamaran hull with 'Round Pontoon' sponsons.
design template 'Round Pontoon Boat' and 'Tri-Toon'
hull, now 21 designs in dBase
NEW Feature to allow
lifting strakes on centerpods and vee pads, including
performance effects of local strake wetting
NEW input option for
aerodynamic surface ‘roughness’ and effects on aero Lift,
aero Drag, performance
Added features of NEW research for
determination of 'average effective deadrise' for complex
planing surface shapes such as round-bottomed sponsons (pontoons).
Updated calculations for
lift, aero drag and aero CPressure (NEW aerofoil research)
ADDED Steyr 2024 inboard engine specs,
Motors Wizard, now 4275 OEM engines in dBase
Report Wizard msg, provides estimate of total # pages of
printed report
Performance Output data (now 690 total) and
Performance Graphs (now 67 total) for 'Strakes Wet' and 'Pod
Strakes Wet' showing changing 'number of strakes
wetted/unwetted' through full velocity range.
ADDED interactive ToolTips for all 'Mini
Help' buttons
ADDED more information to msg if
incomplete user-install of new dB or software upgrade
Added NEW HELP buttons for Lift Strake
design on centerpod.
Added NEW 'estimate' buttons for 'pod
strake location', 'pod strake width'.
Added NEW Report msg’s for
recommendations re: cockpit size vs aero lift. width vs
Updated on-line HELP file*
Available to current TBDP©/VBDP©
USERS. Get the latest Version of TBDP/VBDP. Now more
features than ever!
If you already own TBDP©/VBDP©
(Ver 8.x or above) and you want to obtain the LATEST SOFTWARE VERSION
UPGRADE, you can order on-line. Upgrade includes software only.
Upgrade (only) HERE

Dec 15, 2024
Ver 8.11.5 |
LwrUnit drive options, now 62 OEM
drives in dB
multi-engine option for 'Five
motors' (number of drives) to address market growth of multi-engine setups
ADDED Mercury Racing 150R/200R, Suziki
250AUN, McLaren/Honda M300 engine specs, now 4265 OEM engines in
Motors Wizard dB
NEW feature for ‘Optimize
= Power’ analysis, auto-correct user-input trim angles in
‘Trim Set Range’ (Acceleration Model) if not a successful
UPDATED calculations for 'Motor
Interference Drag' and optimized 'Multi-Engine spacing', new
Changed’ reporting (user-changed input fields)
IMPROVED Report Wizard msg for
comparative analysis of 'Compared
UPDATED Report Wizard msg for ‘Steps
Loading’, more information
UPDATED Report Wizard msg for ‘Optimium
Trim Angle’, more information
ADDED icon to show when ‘Drive/Lower
Unit’ selection is from OEM dB or user modified.
UPDATED on-line HELP file
NEW option for ‘Trim Set Range’
(Acceleration Model), user increase of all trim angle settings.
NEW on-screen design pictures for step
dimensions, more descriptive
ADDED status note on Performance Graphs
when Comparing 2/3 Designs
ADDED mini-Help button for 'Sponson
ADDED Estimate button for
‘CowlHeightRear’ dimension
FIXED hidden 'TrimTabs' field controls
MODIFIED cockpit drag calculations for
'streamlined' cockpit design cases
FIXED 'Design Screen' updating for 'Final
Velocity' after 'Start Velocity' changes.
IMPROVED Report Wizard 'What’s Changed'
msg; fixed some missing 'saved' inputs when Design Compare
FIXED small Report Wizard printing
errors -Refined 'planing surfaces wetted transition' analysis
ADDED checks for UltraWide monitor and
Multi-monitor use
FIXED user message checkbox function on
startup 'screen resolution' & 'printer setup' checks and
'Optimizaton=Economy' message [checkbox now cancels future
message show]
Aug 15, 2024
Ver 8.11.3 |
ADDED NEW standard design template in
QuickDesign, 'Flat Bottom Skiff' now 20 designs total
IMPROVED formatting for '%Power' axis in
Graphs (Power)
Changed' info for 'FinalVelocity', 'VelocityInc'
Report Wizard message for 'Low Aero Lift'
UPDATED analysis of
Lower Unit/Drive;
with new research, including new calcs for 'MotorDrag', 'Torpedo
Drag', 'Drive/Torpedo Angle', 'Resolved Thrust', 'Torpedo Lift',
'Torpedo induced drag'
Report Wizard, new msg when
specified 'Strake
Width' too small; new msg for '% Sponson/% Vee Surface
Lift'; new msg to advise when ‘AutoFixBlowover' invoked (WAngle)
to preclude 'blowover'
ADDED field labels change if Drive Type
'Jet', 'Direct', 'Surface'
ADDED 'Final Velocity' information to
printed listing of Input values
FIXED error printing Design Input
listing (vertical line)
Report wizard, new information reported for
Porpoising Analysis
ADDED feature option to auto-adjust
engine spacing when changing number of motors
Fixed save file when PodDeadrise = zero
(0 degrees)
CHANGED in Report wizard info reported
for Power levels (Economy Analysis) changed to %PowerRequired
REVISED live warning msg for zero WAngle
UPDATED 'estimate' calc for
'AngleTorpedo’ when
type is 'direct drive'
UPDATED to Save Headwind/Tailwind
simulation in user design dBase
UPDATED 'Direct Drive', default
dimensions, field captions, design picture
April 1, 2024
Ver 8.11.0 |
TBDP/VBDP Version 8.11
NEW Performance Analysis feature
determines local
Lift Strake lift/drag contributions based on
each determined local 'wetted strake’ conditions.
Motors Wizard dB to all 2024 OEM engines, including new
Honda 350hp V8, Mercury Racing 'R Series' 500R/400R/250R/60R),
Mercury Racing APEX Series (360/200/60), Mercury
Verado 600hp/500hp V12, Verado 350hp/400hp V10;
Yamaha XTO Offshore 450hp V8, OXE diesel outboards, Caudwell
300hp diesel, Cox 300hp diesel, Tohatsu, Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha,
Yanmar, new jet drive outboards, more (now 4242+ OEM engine specs in
NEW feature applies 'estimate' values to
Groups of inputs (eg: steps,
cockpit, centerpod/pad, strakes, power eff’y factors, motor
dimensions, trim tabs)
NEW 'Whats
Changed' Wizard feature on Performance Graphs shows
design ‘changes’ for each of 2-3 compared designs
design option ‘Wheelhouse’ & 'Bowrider'
w/design info (now 16 cockpit style selections)
ADDED 2 NEW standard design template 'RC
Vee sterndrive' & 'Bowrider Vee sterndrive' (now 19 designs in
QuickDesign dB)
selections, 'RC Sterndrive', 'Mercury R-Drive-Sport',
'Ilmor-OneDrive’, 'Mercury OB SSM IV' (now 62 options in dB +
manual user input)
Revised 'Estimate' calcs for Podheight,
Podwidth, Motorlength, LwrUnitLength, motor weight; Also revised
for 'Strakewidth' now specific to tunnel or vee hulls. Added
'Estimate' button
calcs for Trim Tab dimensions.
Performance Output data and
Graphs showing ‘% Sponson/Vee Lift’ of
total Hydrodynamic Lift.
recommendations in Performance reporting to better reflect small
prop sizes (eg RC boats)
Wizard Report msg advises
performance of each lift strake through velocity range.
Revised Wizard Report message for 'Low
aero lift' w/Vee Hulls, more explicit
Fixed display of user design 'changes’
to always display field highlights
Fixed auto dimensioning when
changing Vee-Pad selection.
Updated Wizard Tutorial feature
Fixed refresh of MotorDescription summary after
Revised Performance Graph ‘Power’ to
show ‘%PowerRequired’ instead of ‘%PowerMax’ (for
Revised 10 Wizard screens to allow user
to move windows
Wizard Report msg for
‘What’s Changed’ shows data changes for each ‘Design
Compare’ case.
Wizard Report
msg to improve comments for
LwrUnit/Drive drag vs engine height s
Updated on-line
HELP file
Feb 1, 2024
Ver 8.10.7 |
- ADDED new feature to export aerofoil dimensions CSV file
(user request)
- NEW Design File 'Sort' to view 'tunnel hulls' or 'vee hulls'
designs (user request)
- Added OEM weights for 'OutdriveWeight' selections
- Revised user message for Windows DPI scaling and UHD screen
- Revised Wizard Report notes, 'HeadWind' / 'TailWind'
- Added check for default location of 'aero dimensions'
dB w/auto recovery
- Added check for print Report to prevent orphaning lines
- Fixed Performance Graphs for 'Power' and Wizard Report,
corrected values when metric units
October15, 2023
Ver 8.10.6 |
Aero Lift coefficient calculations based on new 2023
research re: influence of AR, T/C
- UPDATED 'Motors Wizard'
dB; including new 'Honda 350hp V8', now 3695+ OEM engine specs
in dB
Lower unit/drive design details dB, including 'Merc R-Drive'
lower unit/drive design, now 58 drive specs in dB
- ADDED new
cockpit option 'Canopy-Offshore',
now 15 cockpit template options
- Modified estimate button calc for 'MotorHeightCowl' (exposed engine cowling/fairing)
- Modified estimate button calc for 'VeeAeroThickness'
- Changed input variable behaviour for
'SponsonLength2'/'VeeLength2' based on active values
- Changed auto trigger for 'more decimals' setting (all user settings still available for all
- Changed
Propeller recommendation reporting in Performance
reports to better reflect small prop sizes (eg RC boats)
- Improved error correction for user input fields if
null values entered
- Updated on-line
HELP file
June15, 2023
Ver 8.10.5 |
- Added 'Mercury SM HD544'
Lower unit/drive design details, now total 57 drive specs in
- Added Performance Report Wizard msg for 'steps
deadrise' if non-optimal
- Changed calculations for 'optimum step height/step angle'
- NEW Advanced analysis for
influenced by local variable deadrise in step regions for more
accurate local step loading.
- Updated viewed
Performance Graphs for DCowlMotor, Steps, CLW conditions.
- Revised 'Maximum Practical Velocity' msg in
Performance Report Wizard to enhance recommendations for all
- Updated on-line HELP file
Mar 1, 2023
Ver 8.10.4 |
- UPDATED 'Motors Wizard'
db to include new Mercury Verado V10 5.7L 350hp, 400hp;
Yamaha 450 V8 5.6L outboards, OXE diesel outboards
(150hp-300hp), now 3693+ OEM engine specs
- Updated file date format in BoatDesign manager to allow
sorting recently saved files by 'seconds' too.
- Added NEW Performance Output data and Graphs for Vee-Pad
showing % Pad/Pod Lift of total Lift.
- Added Performance Report Wizard msg to show all drag
contributors to 'Cockpit Drag'.
- Added NEW
standard design 'Fishing Vee with Cuddy Cabin', now 17 quick
design templates
- Fixed Performance Graph captions for 'PowerRequired' to show
corrected PMin values.
- Enhanced Cockpit drag calculations for Center Console/Cuddy
Cabin configurations, changed input fields
- Added Performance Report Wizard msg for Center Console/Cuddy
Cabin cockpit configurations
- Added Performance Report Wizard msg to note if significant
'cockpit cavity drag'
- Updated Performance Report Wizard msg with advanced
description of 'Vee-Pad Lift %' through operating velocity
range, including recommendations for pod deadrise, pod height,
pod width.
- Fixed a few input selection dropdown boxes to prevent
accidental user manual keystroke input
- Reorganized Performance output data screens listing and
- Updated on-line HELP file
Aug 1, 2022
Ver 8.10.2 |
UPDATED new 'Motors Wizard' database to 2022 engines, now
with 3685+ OEM specifications
Wizard Tutorial screen images to latest versions
Added new msg to Report Wizard to provide detailed explanation of Economy Analysis results
Added new help button for 'LwrUnitLength'
Added new menu option for 'How Fast does my boat go?'
Added on Input screen, display label '100% Power' when Optimize=Angle analysis is selected; 'Min %
Power' range when
Optimize=Economy is selected.
Updated printing msg for 'Print to PDF' OR 'Microsoft XPS Document' options
Updated Report Wizard title msg to clarify Velocity Analysis for 'Test Velocity' or 'Max Velocity'
Revised Report Wizard 'Trim Angle' msg to note when 'Max Trim Required' is NOT at Max Velocity in range.
Fixed msg info in Report Wizard for 'Wetted Surface', when fully wetted throughout entire velocity range
Fixed msg in Report Wizard for 'Step Loading' (reported incorrect max velocity)
Changed msg in Report Wizard for 'HUMP Transition' to prevent misleading 'WAngle' msg during low velocity conditions.
Updated 'Estimate' calcs for 'Aerofoil type', 'SponsonLength/VeeWetLength', and 'Wing Chord'.
Updated ToolTip for 'StrakeLocation'
Fixed '% Power' graph (Optimize=Economy)
scale min/max values
Mar 1, 2022
Ver 8.10.0 |
TBDP/VBDP Version 8.10
Economy Performance Analysis Optimize
Option='Economy'; Optimizes for Lowest 'Power' and Lowest 'Trim
Angle' at each velocity through range. (user request) [see
video ]
Added 2 NEW
standard designs 'Skater 24 Outboard' & 'Vee Hull Utility
Bay', now 16 Std Designs to choose (user request)
Revised validation check for 'Step
Lengths', minimum step angle
Refined calc's for est'd 'Step'
dimensions, est'd Engine Spacing (for multi-engine), est'd
centerpod/pad dimensions, est'd Strakes dimensions in 'QuickDesign
Performance Graphs for 'Optimize=Economy' mode
Performance Graphs to show 'Max Power' baseline (Optimize
'Economy' & 'Power' modes)
Performance Graph (Power) to show '% Power' used (Optimize
'Economy' & 'Power' modes)
Added NEW
Report Wizard performance message for 'Accuracy' setting;
for high 'Wetted Surfaces'; for 'Short Step' Length(s)
Changed 'Auto 1-2-3' event sequence to
prevent defaulted re-set of user-setting
'MinSponsonWetLength'/'MinVeeWetLength' (user request)
Added NEW input variable 'PMinEconomy'
for user-set minimum Power setting (used with
Revised calculation for 'Static YCG'
Added 'Hull Type' notations to 'Standard
Designs' in 'QuickDesign
Changed CalcPerform 'progress bar' and
animation clip to show improved status
Revised CalcPerform error message
recommendations when no solution available.
Updated 'Wizard Tutorial'
Added user
input validation to 'QuickDesign' Wizard
Revised dB version (V8.10.0); previous
dB versions will auto update all older design files
Nov 15, 2021
Ver 8.9.9 |
Added NEW 'Direct Drive' (inboard engne)
drive option
Expanded Report Wizard messages for 'Step Design'
re: 'Optimum Step Height'
Added 'estimate' buttons for
'LWetSponsonMinimum'; 'Transmisison Effy'; 'Propeller Slip';
'Hull Effy'
Added NEW
Report Wizard messages for
'Above-Chine Sprayrails', 'Below-Chine Sprayrails', 'Pod
Sprayrails', Cockpit Selection vs Aero Lift
Added design pictures for 'Variable
Deadrise Fore'
Updated Input Wizard forms design
Added NEW
Report Wizard messages for
'Wetted Surface' when vee/sponson surfaces become 'unwetted';
and when veepad/centerpod becomes 'unwetted'
Added Windows 11 detection
Improved error handling for 'Microsoft
Print to PDF' processing
Fixed displayed metric units for
Deadrise Wizard
Report Wizard performance
message for Tunnel Hull with Center Pod
Fixed some label resizing after
metric/imperial units changed
Fixed auto calc of CenterPod/VeePad
angle and height; added data validation
Added design picture for VeePad angle
HELP file/manual
June 1, 2021
Ver 8.9.8 |
Revised user data Validation messaging
methods for
high DPI, faster screen refresh
Automatically UPDATES all older dBase
design file records.
NEW input feature to auto set
NEW design file 'Sort' to view
only 'non-standard' designs
NEW standard design 'RIB Vee',now
15 std designs to choose in
User input validation for all hull
'deadrise' inputs
Wizard to all NEW 2021 motors, now 3430+ OEM engine
specifications, including NEW Mercury 600hp V12 Verado, Mercury
Racing 360 APX Racing outboards, more
NEW Performance Output data Results and
Graphs for
Steps Load Distribution
for each step
NEW feature for user input width for
'Center Console'; expanded aerodynamic calculations for
'Center Console' cockpit drag
Improved 'estimate' calc for
'WidthRearFairing' when multiple engines
Corrected calc for 'estimate' for 'motor
weight' if Metric
Added NEW 'estimate' button for
'CowlHeightFront', 'PodDeadrise', 'Vee Pad Width'
Added auto close of TBDP/VBDP previous
instance running
Fixed bug with prgm shutdown left bits
in memory, corrected
Jan 15, 2021
Ver 8.9.3 |
NEW performance Optimization
(Power) Option in 'Accel Model' to automatically maximize
Reformatted Wizard forms visual and DPI
Modified Titlebar colors to reflect user
defaults (Win10 version update)
Fixed bug in label position on input
screen#4 (misplaced during previous update)
Fixed bug in Step Design descriptions
reported in Wizard Performance Report
Nov 1, 2020
Ver 8.9 |
TBDP/VBDP Version 8.9
NEW fully automated design dB updating
routine for all new dB version releases
Added NEW expanded
Performance Report
Updated Performance Results screen
Added updated aerodynamic lift & drag analysis
for centerpod cases
Added specs for Mercury Racing 360 APX
F1 Racing outboard to 2020
Motor Wizard
Added NEW Performance data and Graphs for
'XCGDiff', compares 'XCFDynam' vs 'XCGStat' resolved force
locations, add'l measure of
Dynamic Stability
Added Refined Report Wizard messages for
Added Enhanced Porpoising report message,
determines when centerpod/pad design contributes to
Added NEW feature routine to view PDF
Reports from TBDP/VBDP menu
Fixed reporting error in SWet for
full-wet condition
Fixed reporting error in LWetFore for
lower velocities
Added Enhanced TrimTabs warning messages
and Report Wizard narrative
Added report reminder if user turns off
'Active Input Validation'
Added to QuickConvert Wizard, 'Imp Gal
to Litres to US Gal'
Revised prgm 'Check Update' routine for
higher software revision version labels
Revised install check and user options
for Regional Codes compatibility
Added install check for Windows DPI
setting and Virtualization
Updated default screen font settings for
familiarity to all Windows OS versions
Fixed bug causing error with UHD/4K
monitors; (Windows 32k limit)
Revised installation checks for screen
resolution and DPI settings, added user option 'Dont-show-me-this-again' for screen, DPI, printer settings
HELP file/manual
June 1, 2020
Ver 8.8.5 |
Motor Wizard dB, including
2020 engine specs, now 3200+ OEM engines
NEW Design Feature for
'Delta'/triangular shaped
vee-pad or tunnel center-pod option;
NEW Design Feature for
spray rails on tunnel center-pod or Vee-Pad and performance results of spray drag.
Modified xCPPod/xCPPad analysis for
Dynamic Stability.
Improved 'What's Changed' messages
for Power/Propulsive efficiency details
Upgraded CheckUpdates reader
Added Help buttons for SponsonLength and
Fixed 'ExportToCVS' to ensure both
numbers and text values
Improved Performance Results screen
presentation management, cleanliness
Fixed bug in data input validation check
Added Estimate button for WINGCHORD
Added detail to Report Wizard header
Improved Report Wizard narrative for
'Maximum Practical Velocity' message
Jan 1, 2020
Ver 8.8.3 |
Sept 1, 2019
Ver 8.8.2 |
NEW Enhanced
Porpoise Analysis, new complex analysis accounts for affect
of multiple stepped
hulls, centerpod, vee-pad, on critical porpoising
limit calcs.
Help 'Search' feature (work-around for existing MS bug).
Added 'Mercury 50hp', 'Yamaha 50hp',
'Evinrude 50hp' Lower Unit design
details, now total drive specs in built-in dB.
Modified tab key movement to be
compatible with latest Win10 OS.
Fixed validation message for
'LWetMinimum' (units).
Changed update of displayed 'Max
Velocity' on input screen, when units are converted.
Added explanation to Input 'Data
Validation' messages re: action options.
Added auto-selection of Active Data
Input Validation after design compile from 'Quick Design Wizard'
to ensure all data is checked.
Added test and error msg for 'Optimize =
Velocity' option when user-specified WAngle is too small to generate
valid balanced performance results, including optional
auto-reset of WAngle.
Fixed units conversion in DMotor
calculation when metric units used
HELP files and manjual
July 1, 2019
Ver 8.8.0 |
TBDP/VBDP Version 8.8
Completely new
Performance Output
screens, now 4 full pages of performance output, over 600
data points,
improved readability, better grouping
New updated
Motor Wizard engine
database, now includes
+ OEM specs, including extreme
2019 Mercury Racing 450R V8, Mercury Racing's 400ROS, 300R & 250R, Mercury Verado 4.6L V8 engine line, Evinrude
G2 300 V6, Yamaha XF425 V8, Seven Marine's mega 627 V8, Suzuki
DF350A, and ALL the new 2019 OEM outboard and sterndrive
Added new enhanced 'Step
Analysis' and new Performance data showing 'Wetted Length' of
each effective Step surface, including ‘unwetted’ stages.
Added new Performance output data for
'Effective Planning Surface Width' (bWidth) for sponsons, vee,
centerpod, veepad.
Added new 'Lower Unit Interference' drag
analysis for multiengine installations; shown
in to Wizard Performance Reports.
Added new Performance output results and
graph for 'Distance Travelled' ['Acceleration Analysis']
Added new analysis for centered
locations (CofPressure) for all Lift forces acting, including
Sponson/Vee, CenterPod/VeePad, Trimtabs; shown in Wizard
Performance Reports
Added new Lower Unit analysis and
info re: Torpedo Resolved Lift and Induced Drag when engine
incremental trim angle is specified
Added new output data graphs in
Performance Graphics presentation screens (now 57 graphs
Added 'Merc M6 drive', 'Evinrude
2/3cyl', 'Seven Marine GT', 'Merc Verado L6', 'Volvo SX', 'Volvo
IPS', 'Volvo DPS', 'Mercruiser Bravo 3X' lower unit design
details, now total 59 drive specs in built-in dB.
Added 10 more performance narrative
subjects to
Wizard Performance Report 'POWER' summary
Added 'Propeller Sizing' summary to
Wizard Performance Reports
Added user feature to turn OFF Trimtabs
(auto-retraction) at specified speed.
Added feature switch to allow user to
turn off Trimtab warning messages
Added 'auto-estimate' button for
'motor/engine weight' if user manually enters HP (not reqd when
using 'Motor Wizard' OEM specs; 'auto-estimate' button
for set velocity for 'auto-retraction' of Trimtabs; 'auto-estimate' button for
'Multi-engine spacing'.
Enhanced descriptions given in
Performance Reports for
Lower Unit Drag, including spray drag
and multi-engine interference drag.
Improved 'Quick Design Wizard' with more
detailed auto-modifications for user designs based on standard
Fixed drive selection dimension
assignments in 'Quick Design Wizard' for lower unit selection
Fixed drive unit dimensions set from dB
if user-design in Metric Units.
Added new menu option to 'Save data' for
'Compare Designs' to main Perf Data screen (feature also still
available from Performance Graphs screen).
Revised Validation (active input and
file save validations) routines for improved data checking.
Added color highlight to selected
performance output screen results data
New dbase 'tbdpdat5.mdb' format with more
Performance Output variables
Updated TBDP/VBDP data conversion
program, automatically converts older data formats to new Ver8.8
db format
Added Help Tutorial for 'How to Compare
Performance of Design Modification' in online Help
Updated and expanded Help Wizard
Tutorial with new sample screens and descriptions
Apr 20, 2019 Ver 8.7.7 |
Revised Acceleration Analysis, more
accurate integration algorithm, better results for acce'n/elapsed
Updated 'What Changed' feature to
provide more info, for any Optimize method
Fixed input fields in 'Accel Model'
wizard to highlight each field when changed by user.
Updated illustrations for tunnel jet
drive, vee jet drive
Added User-defined input trim angle
(TWAngle) values in printed Input data report
updated Help documents
Dec 1, 2018 Ver 8.7.5 |
Revised hydrodynamic planning 'bWidth'
calculation for complex deadrise, improves CLW accuracy
Added new Wizard Report for
'Lifting surfaces performance', including monitor of 'bWidth' wrt
'chine width'
Updated algorithms for Aero Drag (aero
profile drag, cockpit drag, cowlings drag)
Added 'Design Compare' feature for
Optimize = "Power" option, (including Time, Acceleration);
compare design results for up to 3 different/modified designs
Added Estimate/Help buttons for
PowerEffy; inboard, outboard, jet drives, engine height
Added notification in Wizard Reports for
'below planing velocity'
Updated 'create desktop link' function
Updated design input for 'LwrUnitHeight'
dimension for different hull styles, vee/pad/sponson/pod
Expanded text output for
'MotorDescription' in export to CVS file (and fixed truncation)
Expanded Wizard Report notes for
'LwrUnitHeight' relative to effective running surfaces
Updated Help documents with new features
Sept 1, 2018 Ver 8.7.4 |
Added Estimate buttons for Wing
Thickness, Vee AeroThickness, Tunnel Height/Vee Deck Height
Added user "What's Changed" notification
feature so user can see when engine
selections have been changed
Updated software install to accommodate
recent changes in Win10 (build 1803)
Fixed validation check for LwrUnitHeight
(metric correction)
June 1, 2018 Ver 8.7.3 |
added 'SevenMarine' lower unit design
details to dB
added auto checking routine to prevent
duplicate file name saving
enhanced HTML Help on-line document
Mar 1, 2018 Ver 8.7.2 |
NEW feature for user export of
input/output data to CVS file format.
NEW Optimum Trim Angle analysis
Updated user screen/print font selection
Fixed bug in text-reporting total
Weight/units conversion in Wizard Report
Updated Performance Graph formatting
Expanded Performance Report
Nov 15, 2017 Ver 8.7 |
TBDP/VBDP Version 8.7
NEW analysis for STEPS, with more user
step design definition, more accurate performance prediction of
functional wetted areas, force locations, Dynamic CG locations
added Estimate/Help features for Step
Height, Forward Step
NEW dB format [tbdpdat4.mdb], updated
TBDP_Convert program for all previous dB's
Fixed bug in Acceleration Wizard (input)
Enhanced Report messaging for Step
performance including design recommendations, step performance,
NEW sort feature for 'Standard Designs'
NEW feature compares THREE designs in
Performance Graphs
Ehanced Reporting for 'Compare designs'
Now user can account for tunnel hull
'aerofoil' location offset
Enhanced HELP module
Sept 1, 2017 Ver 8.6.10 |
enhanced Porpoise Regime reporting
added Optimum Trim Angle reporting
added step angle display on Input screen
for multiple step inputs
added Estimate/Help buttons for multiple
Step inputs
expanded step design reporting and
recommendations, including optimum Step height reporting
fixed printing error (steplength1) in
previous versions
July 1, 2017 Ver 8.6.9 |
added reporting for LwrUnitHeight
specified above waterline
added input screen notation for
'gallons/litres of fuel' conversion from fuel weight (lbs/Kg)
enhanced reporting for identification of
'Maximum Limiting Velocity' and 'Maximum Practical Velocity'
fixed 'overflow' error caused if
improper user VariableDeadrise inputs
added departure analysis for Dynamic
Stability, and influence on Max Practical Velocity
Apr 1, 2017 Ver 8.6.8 |
Honda lower unit specs added
added reporting of Lifting Strakes
enhanced Dynamic Stability reporting
improved reporting for 'Maximum
Limiting Velocity'
added JET drive options
Fuel volume conversion for Fuel Weight
enhanced Step design recommendations
enhanced Hump Transition reporting
passenger appendage aero drag added
enhanced auto Report wizard info/detail
new graphics on input screens
Dec 1, 2016 Ver 8.6.5 |
NEW standard design option for "Vee hull
without Pad"
NEW - Upgraded entire TBDP HELP system
to MS HTMLHelp-now compatible with Win7/8/10 Help systems; full
context-sensitive Help, one-click help buttons on every screen, content
Help Search features.
Variable deadrise, Notched
Vee-Pad/Center-Pod features
Sept 1, 2016 Ver 8.6.3 |
added "WScreen
w/RearCowl" option for cockpit design
engine/motor cowl height, width now automatically calculated
Motor Wizard; added Selva outboard and Cummins, Catepillar,
MTU, Yanmar inboard engine specs
revised lower unit
drag calculation to include Leg drag if applicable
Improved Report Wizard message for
Porpoise susceptibility prediction
Corrected error when using design Compare feature
corrected issue when saving design file
corrected fault in display of Sponson Drag % Report Wizard
Apr 1, 2016 Ver 8.6 |
NEW screen layouts, NEW input variables,
more performance analysis, output data/graphics, more reporting
NEW 2016 Motor Wizard update, now
with over 2250+ OEM engine choices, including new Evinrude G2, new
Mercury Racing 400R, new Ilmore V8's, Jetdrive Outboards, Yamaha
350hp V8 Outboard, Evinrude V6 E-Tec's, New Mercury 350hp Sci Verado
and Optimax ProXS engines and SevenMarine 557 outboard.
NEW input variables and NEW 5 screen input format
Animated 3D
Chart display for Lift/Drag component contributions through Velocity
NEW feature allows variable
deadrise of sponsons or vee surfaces.
NEW feature automatically
optimizes trim angles for elapsed TIME and ACCELERATION analysis
NEW feature to show extra
decimal accuracy (useful for small hull designers and RC users)
NEW automated analysis
of 'Hump- Zone' transition velocity and 'Force Moment' dynamic stability, explains both in custom Performance Analysis Report.
NEW input variables 'Air Temperature','Air Humidity' and 'Water Temperature' to allow user to account for environment variations
NEW input variable 'Angle Torpedo', for when lower unit has relative trim angle (regardless of WAngle)
NEW input variable 'Width Rear Fairing' to allow for unique aft fairing sizing
Enhanced analysis adjusts lift/drag and coefficients for changes in air temperature, altitude, humidity, water temperature and water type (fresh/sea)
NEW Performance Output data info; 'DCowl Motor' shows drag contribution of outboard engine cowling and 'Force Moment' information for dynamic stability
Printed reports to file
or printer queue now show user unique file names
Reduced Input module loading
time and improved screen flash presentation with reduced flicker
NEW database format adds
more input variables, output info, reduced file maintenance
Updated TBDP_Convert routine
(Ver 2.1) automatically converts all design file data from all previous
dB versions to new TBDP/VBDP V8.6 dB
Improved auto screen resizing
for all screen types/size/resolutions and printing.
Corrected error when selecting
"Two Steps" for very small hulls
Fixed Win7 UAC error that
sometimes caused file save issue.
Updated HELP files
Oct 1, 2015 Ver 8.5 |
Enhanced Lift/Drag
components display with animation
NEW "Estimate"
buttons can auto-input estmated input values if user does not have
NEW "WhatChanged"
feature on Design Input screens that lists input fields 'changed'
during session
NEW new input variables
for Motor Cowling sizing, Outdrive Weight, CockpitLength
Revised aero drag for cockpit and cowling,
increased accuracy of aero drag for outboard engine cowling
NEW standard design options for 'Bass Boat
with center console'
NEW cockpit/cowling options "None with
RearCowl" and "Center Console"
NEW Wizard messages
for auto design reports
Improved data input
validation checks
Revised upper limit
wetted surface values shown on output screen and Results graphs
June 20, 2015 Ver 8.4 |
Added msg for vee-pad
support lift, Corrected Lift Strake message error, Updated Porpoise
Revised aero drag
for Cuddy Cabin option, New Cockpit W/windscreen option
Corrected DAero/CDAero
NEW Lower/Drive Unit
drag analysis, includes Torpedo drag, skeg drag, leg drag, induced
drag and spray drags.
Added mini-help buttons
for each input frame
Added LowerUnit specs
for Ilmor Indy stern drive
Enhanced Performance
Wizard info for XCGDynamic, SprayFac, AeroDrag
User requested scaling,
units and decimal floating
Improved Win7 installation
Feb 1, 2015 Ver 8.3
TBDP/VBDP Version 8.3
NOW RELEASED! (Feb 1, 2015)
Enhanced calc for CGDynamic (dynamic
stability) for cases of Vee hull with Pad and Tunnel Hull with Center
Pod, more accurate for all design configurations and operating conditions.
2015 Motor Wizard update, now
with over 1750 OEM engine choices, including new Evinrude G2, new
Ilmore V8's, Jetdrive Outboards, Yamaha 350hp V8 Outboard, Evinrude
V6 E-Tec's, New Mercury 350hp Sci Verado And Optimax ProXS engines.
Major rewrite of hydrodynamic lift and
drag routines, improving accuracy for all types of operating conditions
for all design configurations of tunnel hull, tunnel w/Center Pod,
Vee hull and Vee Pad hulls.
Added new
Whisker Spray analysis, enhanced
drag calculations associated with Whisker Spray, also added new
performance report variables showing all whisker drag components
with individual drag coefficients.
Now includes AR analysis of
Spray Rails and Lifting
Strakes, based on Jim Russell's engineering design paper and
published article.
Added capability of Below-Chine Spray
Rails (deflectors) for Whisker Spray reduction
Enhanced application of Above-Chine
spray rails and effects on Sheer (friction) Spray Drag
Advanced Cockpit/Cowling/Fairing drag
now includes complex Cavity Drag
analysis. Multiple cockpit/cowling design configurations
to select from, including Open, Covered, Race Canopy, even a Cuddy
Enhanced Performance Wizard Summary
Report, with more key data reporting and more design/setup recommendations
(specifically written for the performance results presented for
your design)
Enhanced Quick Design Wizard to automatically
input additional typical design dimensions from list of any (11)
standard hull designs provided.
Added more new Input variables (now
100+ design/setup inputs) for even more enhanced Design and Analysis
Additional Performance Analysis Output
measures, now with over 490 output data points, and now including
Whisker Spray Drags (for sponsons, Center Pod, Vee, veepad); Lift/Drag
Ratios (for sponsons, center pod, Vee and Veepad), separate Wetted
Area data (SWet) for sponsons, center pod, Vee and Veepad; separate
drag coefficients for CDWSponson, CDWVee, CDWPod, CDWPad, Trim Tabs
lift/drag/coefficient/Aspect Ratio; along with all the other performance
measures that TBDP/VBDP has presented in previous versions.
Added another new built-in standard
design option for "Vee Hull Sterndrive" (now 11 typical
designs provided); Just select one of the standard designs, use
the Quick Design Wizard to modify key parameters to fit your design,
and TBDP©/VBDP© does the rest to set all the design variables for
your new design/setup.
Added new LowerUnit specs for V8 outboards,
RC and IMCO drives
Refined decimal floating for smaller
hull sizes (such as RC boat designs)
Corrected units in some Wizards to reflect
Imperial/Metric capability
Corrected max values presented for XPorpoise
Analysis chart for improved readability.
all the other new Version 8.0
Sept 1, 2014 Ver 8.2 |
Many new graphics/charts added/updated.
New Lift & Drag distribution chart,
with dynamic velocity range view.
Fixed the display of cockpit/cowling
drag coef's.
Improved algorithms for cockpit/cowling
drag calc's.
Added new lower unit design selections.
Expanded the Report Summary Wizard notes.
Added a new file export feature.
May 15, 2014
Ver 8.1
Revised aerodynamic drag algorithms
enhanced Vee hull lift/drag calc's
auto version update checking
enhanced Vee hull aerodynamics setups
March 1 2014
Version 8.0
TBDP©/VBDP© Version 8.0
NEW VBDP - incorporation
of the NEW Vee Boat Design Program full-featured software for Vee hull and Vee-Pad hull performance analysis
NEW Auto Convert program to translate
older TBDP© design data files to the new TBDP©/VBDP© data format
Win7 compatible coding and file management
More Input variables (90+), more performance
data output information, for more design control and even more performance
reporting information
NEW Auto 1-2-3 Performance Analysis"
Wizard - automatically steps you through the 3 steps of performance
analysis, to calculate Maximum Velocity, (Trim angle analysis) and
Power (Acceleration/Elapsed Time analysis)
Porpoise Analysis - unique AR XPorpoise
feature that automatically shows hull's susceptibility to porpoising
assessed throughout the full operating velocity range.
NEW Performance Analysis Wizard (Report
NEW 2013 Motor Wizard
with over 1350 OEM engine choices in a selection database, making
input of your engine data to TBDP©/VBDP© as simple as picking your
motor from a list.
Quick Design Wizard - easy to start
your design by selecting one of many 'typical' design outlines (with
full Input dimensions and setup details) for 'Performance Tunnel
hull/Power cat', 'Recreational Tunnel Outboard', 'Offshore Fishing/Utility',
'Racing tunnel', 'RIB tunnel', 'RC tunnel', 'Vee hull' and 'Vee-Pad'
Ten NEW Design Wizards - Propeller Wizard;
Motor Selection Wizard; Miscellaneous Payload Weight Wizard; Angle
Increment Calculator; Quick Design Wizard; WAngle Calc Wizard; Deadrise
Wizards; Power Calc Wizard; Velocity Calc Wizard; Expanded Wizard
Tutorial and the extraordinary Performance Analysis Wizard (Report
Design-versus-Design Comparison Graphic
screens - compare the performance results of 2 (or many) design
Advanced Cockpit/Cowling/Fairing drags
- NEW analysis for aerodynamic drag; Cockpit/Cowling/Fairing analysis
considers profile, friction and even complex cavity drag.
NEW multiple cockpit/cowling design configurations to select from,
including Open, Covered, Race Canopy, even a Cuddy Cabin
now calculates hydrodynamic drag of
ANY lower unit design; includes standard design specs for 31 OEM
Trim Tabs & Lifting Strakes
Propeller sizing
NEW On-Line HELP screens (100+ pages);
NEW 80+ page User's manual
User Picture Import
Auto Bottom Design - for Vee hull design,
bottom dimensions are automatically adjusted when a 'pad' is added
or removed (helpful for easy pad vs. no-pad comparisons). For tunnel
hulls, auto adjustment for center-pod changes.
Automatic Static CG on-screen calculation
for any hull configuration
"Change in Value" (derivative
of the performance measure) feature on graphic performance results
screens & reports makes it even easier to see break points
of performance issues, showing 'how fast is it changing' data.
And a long list of other great new features
and enhancements, including: Dozens of other new features and design
options include:
Improved aerodynamic algorithms;
even more accuracy, even more hull configurations
Improved drag algorithms for more
types of cockpit and cowling configurations
Symmetrical or
asymmetrical sponsons
On-screen display of automatically
calculated total hull weight and cg
Multiple spray rail design selection
Aerofoil dimensions view feature
Multiple Step selection design frame
Minimum wetted sponsons/vee surface
Maximum wetted sponsons/vee surface
CG on-screen auto-calculation
Automatic WAngle increase
Automatic Blowover check & alert
Automated 'head/tail wind' simulation
Centerpod WAngle input
Accurate Top Speed prediction
Acceleration modeling with elapsed
time prediction
Angle increment calculator
Velocity range calculator
Motor height calc's
40+ color graphic performance charts.
Euro units version with auto conversion
between USA & metric for inputs and performance results
Multiple engine/drive applications
Jan 2013
Jun 2012
Jun 2011
Oct 2010
Jun 2010
Jan 2009
Mar 2008
Version 7.15 (Jan 01, 2013) - general udate
Version 7.14 (June 01, 2012) - general pdate
Version 7.13 (June 01, 2011) - many updates
Version 7.12 (Oct 01, 2010) - general update
Version 7.11 (June 01, 2010) - many updates; VEE Hull Analysis NOW included
Version 7.9.2 -general update, many new features.
NEW!! Motor Wizard database update - Now over 75 engines listed! (includes 2008 engine update).
Feb, 2007 |
Version 7.9 - 2007 Motor Wizard database update includes 450 engine specs; WinXP latest updates.
Vee hull analysis enhancements. |
Jan, 2006 |
Version 7.85 - WinXP latest updates; 2006 Motor Wizard database update; Euro software additions, vee-hull
analysis features added |
Feb, 2005
Version 7.8 - NEW Motor Wizard Update (2005) includes 350 engine specs; minor analysis upgrades.
Jan, 2005 |
Version 7.7 - Auto 'Head/Tail Wind' simulation; Improved QuickLift Wizard; Auto WAngle increase function for
Velocity Optimization. |
Apr, 2004
Feb, 2004
Jan, 2004
Aug 2003
Version 7.6 - Design-versus-Design Compare Graphic; AutoBlowOver Check
Version 7.5 - More new features than ever before!
Motor Wizard database updated - Now over 260 engines listed!
August, 2003 - Version 7 release - best features upgrade ever!
Mar 2003
TBDP Ver 6.7 (Win XP)
July 2001 |
TBDP Ver 6.3 (Win98) |
Dec 1998 |
TBDP Ver 6 (Win95) |
July 1993 |
TBDP Ver 4 (Win 3.1) |
Jan 1991 |
TBDP Ver 3 (Windows) |
Jan 1987 |
TBDP Ver 2 (original client release) w/30page manual |
July 1978 |
TBDP development release (design and consulting only) |